Friday, October 22, 2010

Updated Hip Hop Club 
Rehearsal Schedule

Ah Yeah Hip Hoppers!  Due to several issues that have come up recently we need to make things easier for everyone.  We will be holding rehearsals on Mondays and Thursdays.    We will still stay with our alternating week plan but now it will always be on Mondays and Thursdays.  We will now be eating our lunches in the Music Room.  This will give us more time and we won't need to rush.  

Mr. Ball will pick up the groups at the Junior Lunch Room at 11:35 and we will all walk to the Music Room together.  

First Monday : Group 4A
Lilyann, Brenden, Max, Jaylen, Yasmin, Mersades, Natina, Shaylin, Jordan

First Thursday : Group 5
Fiona, Joshua S, Courtney, Asenia, Vincent, Yafiet, Dylan, Tyama, Sara

Second Monday : Group 4B
Shaniah, Fizzah, Isaiah, Maureen, Victoria, Shanon, Karl, Justin

Second Thursday : Group 6
Lisa-Marie, Sean, Kalyxa, Dejon, Anetah

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Here we go, y'all!

Hip Hop Club groups have been made!  Thanks to all those who got their forms in on time.  

If you did NOT get your form in by the due date, unfortunately you will not be in the Hip Hop Club at this time.    There may be a second session starting in January but this will be determined as we get closer to the winter break.

The groups are as follows

Lilyann, Brenden, Max, Jaylen, Yasmin, Mersades, Natina, Shaylin, Jordan

Shaniah, Fizzah, Isaiah, Maureen, Victoria, Shanon, Karl, Justin

Fiona, Joshua S, Courtney, Asenia, Vincent, Yafiet, Dylan, Tyama, Sara

Lisa-Marie, Sean, Kalyxa, Dejon, Anetah
Hip Hop Club Rehearsal Schedule

Day 1   Week 1   Group 4A
Day 2   Week 1   Group 5
Day 1   Week 2   Group 4B
Day 2   Week 2   Group 6