Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What are we going to be doing in the Rawlinson Music Department this year?  Here is what we have in store!

The Primary music program focuses on exploring music through singing, listening and moving to a variety of musical experiences.  Students will listen to a wide variety of recorded and live music, while singing in groups, learning about musical patterns and composing soundscapes.  Students will also learn how to properly care for musical instruments and proper performance and audience behaviour.

The Junior music program focuses on reading music, singing, listening to, creating and performing a variety of musical experiences.  Students will play music with different parts, read music with key signatures and create their own compositions.  Students will also create their own musical notation and think critically about music that they hear and perform.

1 comment:

  1. You rock!
    Have a great year with music.
    Mrs. Costello
